3 seasons in one day.

A sunny morning . Forecast for cold but wasnt too bad a walk round AH woods. Sat on the garden seat and took this photo looking up to the blue sky. The blossom has opened up a lot in just a few days. Always reminds me of Japanese prints
Extra is of a red primula which I 'liberated' from the compost heap at AH. As it had been dug up and thrown away I thought it would be ok to give it a 2nd lease of life. 4 years on it's still growing despite the efforts of the slugs who seem to find it tastes delicious.

The hotel is also making plans to open up next month. The Al Fresco dining area has sides that open up to the elements so  it can be used  as an outdoors seating area and they have new tables and chairs to place across the lawn in front. 

Back home and within minutes it went dark and we had a heavy hail storm which covered the path like snow! Havent had that much all winter! 
But the sun came out again and it soon melted.

Teatime walk with Fletch by the dock and it felt wintery. A strong wind was blowing. Just as well the 'big coat ' hasnt been packed away just yet! 
Ne'er cast a clout till the May be out!

Good news text from my sis in law. Her work commitments mean she will be over here at the end of May. Fingers crossed nothing prevents us from meeting and going out for a meal together.   Over a year since the last one. 

M got a text tonight to book his 2nd Covid jab. The only time offered was next Wed evening at 10 to 8.. A bit later than wed have preferred but at least hes got it. 

Take care everyone!

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