Flower Friday: Just A Tulip

Our friend electric, Jon, was back today to do a few more jobs in the house, garden and garage so we our now all up to date electrically and we can officially declare our house renovation finished (for now!).

While Jon was busy I did a bit more tidying and organising in the loft room.

The big news today was that Chris managed to survive another round of redundancies at work. Sadly another 70 people lost their jobs, many of them people he knows well, another lot of people worrying about paying the bills and finding another job. Chris has been asked to take on yet another role, his 4th in the last year, so he must be doing something right but you do worry about the long term future of Clark’s who are the second largest employer in Street, and the people who work or have worked for them.

Anyway, we went for our usual walk with Chris this afternoon so he could fill us in on all the developments.

Not much caught the eye blip-wise so here’s a tulip from the garden for Flower Friday.

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