
Shona and I walked to Cragside and had a wander round the paths then came home by Primrose Cottage. 5.5 miles. My ankle and heel are sore.

It’s sunny so the conservatory is warm but I am getting annoyed by the neighbour’s yappy dog which just won’t stop barking.

I’m also annoyed by the increasingly jingoistic fascist direction into which we are heading. Now the directive is that all government buildings must fly the union flag. And the Zoe app is saying there are over 1000 new Covid cases in Northumberland but the government figures are a few hundred. Shona has heard that a high school in the area has had to close due to Covid but nothing is being said on the government mouthpiece aka BBC. Shona’s source is a teacher but maybe it’s an urban myth. But we know that if there’s repercussions from schools opening it will become evident this week. Yes I’m an old cynic.

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