Wednesday Walk

We decided to ignore the icy breeze and go for a walk on the beach. It was nice and quiet so we let Fletch off the lead. 
Inspired by Memories4Me s post yesterday I had some fun looking for pebbles with lines on and had fun trying to join the lines. Not as pretty as hers but fun neverthe less ( see extra)

As Fletch is usually well behaved we weren't watching him like a hawk  but I suddebly saw him digging furiously and about to eat whatever hed dug up, something black and sticky . I blew up his nose which made him drop it, a disgusting mess of seaweed shells and jelly fish, probably the dead one we saw a few days ago!  Yuk. Lucky he hadnt eaten it ( well no side effects if he had ). Dogs! 

Hoping for a good nights sleep . M had a restless night on Monday  with a painful hip and last night Fletch drank a huge amount of water about 4:30 so at 5am  he wanted to go out into the garden. He pottered around quite happily while I listened to the dawn chorus before I persuaded him to come back to bed . He lay on my legs and went into a deep sleep while I could nt get to sleep for ages.  

I hope everyone has a restful night. Thank you for your comments and stars . They are greatly appreciated x

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