Her Fearful Symmetry

Well that's a symmetrical as you get with these vernacular gates, lovely in their individuality! For a seriously symmetrical gate see extra - imported all the way from Hong Kong I seem to remember.

A gorgeous morning and we slaved away outside - Himself finishing clearing his workshop and me trimming back various enormous bushes and yes - ripping up more ivy. The forecast correctly predicted it would all go down hill at lunchtime so it was inside for some well work. The book is going rather well - I'd buy it! Quite what to do with it when I've more or less finished I'm not sure. Finding a suitable publisher I am sure would not be easy, nor would printing it myself, (expensive and I hate having to distribute and organise payments),  but I might approach the Heritage Officer at Cork County Council and see if he has any advice.

The rain ceased at around 4.30 and we did the circuit minor. Behind this gate is a ringfort, just saying.

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