Wearing purple...

By 60plus10

Emley moor and its shadow...

...from a distance...
( there's a second mast at the moment while essential maintenance is completed ) and seen through symmetrical gates on our bike ride this aft...

Did my neighbourly duty before we went out, and completed a Blue Badge form for Ken with Muriel. She has an iPad and had tried to start the form and save it, but she was unsuccessful. On Monday afternoon we went through it all again - and then it failed at the last page. The site says it saves the form for you as you go - but again we couldn't retrieve it. Hrmphhh - a stressful experience when all she wanted to do was renew Ken's Blue Badge! I wasn't impressed by the form at all - things needed to be attached and uploaded, and there were no boxes so you could explain your answers, just drop down menus. Anyway - we had another go this aft and it worked - all filled in (pages of it!), submitted and paid for - phew!

CORONA CLASSICS – Dolly has chosen a Medley from CATS the musical - Andrew LLoyd Webber. This evening, and my pick is Debussy - Danse sacrée et danse profane, for harp and strings (1904)

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