Jerusalem Artichokes
aka sunflowers. After 36 hours of rain the sun came out. Yippee....we have had just a fraction of the coastal downpours but had enough precipitation to tell the truth. The sun came out this afternoon so I raced out to take some photos in the garden. The aphids are having fun.
The local river (Macquarie River) was at a minor flood level at 3.7m this morning. It has flooded up to our front door in the past but since that time they have built some levee banks. The magic number is 6.9m. If it breeches the levee it would be considerably higher than the last big flood and come into our home. Makes us a bit anxious and we check the river heights with interest. Tonight it is 4.05m
We are booked into the Cotter Dam camping ground in Canberra later in the week but have found out it is closed. The excessive rain has saturated the soil and there is danger of falling trees. They will refund our money. I’m wondering if I should plan anything as things keep changing. Doesn’t matter as long as everyone is safe and well.
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