Mono Monday
The MM theme is Manmade. Well this peanut slice is womanmade so hope that counts. Thanks apollofly
What to do when there’s nothing to do? Cook! WWombat gave me this slice recipe. It has peanuts and sultanas and crushed biscuits with choc icing. Last time I made it I used icing sugar and cocoa for the topping. This time I decided to go all out and use up some dark chocolate lurking in the fridge. On the wrapper it suggested melting the choc in the microwave with some cream. It made it very easy to spread but took hours to set. End result.... Yummy. Not as sweet as the sugary icing but rich and delicious.
This morning we decided to brave Woolworths in the special hour for seniors from 7 am. It was quiet and orderly. Isbi suggested wearing plastic gloves which made me feel a bit safer. No paper products were seen and the meat section was pretty dismal but otherwise I got everything I needed. A good experience.
We went for our usual bike ride and met our friend for a socially isolated walk through the park.
We are getting mixed messages from our commonwealth and state leaders so I’m taking the direct route and staying in as much as I can. Unfortunately some people don’t get the message this is serious. Unfortunately the share market is still going down fast, somewhat depressing to see your savings disappear. Stay safe everyone.
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