Blue skies and I'm feeling blue....

had gone to bed early last night, felt whacked, but woke at 2.30am with raging sore throat. slept on and off til 6am, and felt rubbish when i got up. hay fever, and now a cold/bad throat on top! took pete for a walk, hoping the fresh air would make a difference. it didn't.

into work, traffic not too bad for a monday. cloudy first of all, but the sun would break through later.

a good morning, still didn't feel much better though. took a walk out at lunch, down to the castle to take some pictures. couldn't get warm though, and felt bit light-headed on the way back. still, got a nice capture here.

left work at 3.30pm, felt rubbish. home, cold & flu capsules, hot water bottle, and bed until 6pm.

dinner had no taste, Pete was being a pain in the bottom too, bless him - i'm ill don't you know?!!

Early to bed tonight, more tablets, hope i feel better in the morning.

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