Between fen and mountains

By Tickytocky

Peach orchard

The main valley is mostly given over to peach and apricot orchards. The blossoms are very pretty at the moment. There are very few vines as the alluvial soil is too rich. The next valley east does produce some very good Cotes de Roussillon wine and there is some sweet aperitif wine produced on the Pyrenean foothills near the coast. I caught up this morning with a yoga session I had missed and took part in a French conversation group in the afternoon. We discussed some articles about the Astrazenica vaccine and French policy and other Covid related issues. A third of France is now in lockdown, although it is not quite as severe as first time round. The regional approach suits us as case number are low here and the only change that affects us is that the curfew has been put back to 7 pm. 

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