
A lovely day, but a tad windy, calm tonight.  Mostly sunny all day, and light well after 6pm now.

I've been working from home today, and also had a video meeting in the morning.  I headed out to explore more family history at lunchtime.  Met friend Julie for walkies with the dogs this evening.  Feet up by the fire now.  No new Covid-19 cases today.

Continuing my Lunnasting research.  My 3x great granddad Geordie (George) Arthur, fifth child of Mitchell and Lilias, born 11th Oct 1852 at Gilsbrake.  He was a bookmaker, fisherman, general merchant and was great with his hands.  He married my 3x great granny Elizabeth Green, Swinister, Delting,  19th Nov 1874 in Mossbank.  They moved north to Delting, having three bairns.  Eldest Agnes, born 1876 at Garden, Collafirth, 2x great granddad Mitchell, born 1877 at Brough, and then Wilhelmina, born 1879 at Ollaberry.  They stayed at the Haa of Bardister, Gluss, where Geordie had a shop.  He died at home, 14th Aug 1928, aged 75.  This is the Gilsbrake croft, Vidlin, now used as a byre by Billy and Eileen Georgeson.

Extra photo is four generations. Uncle Attie, holding Mike, 2x gg Mitchell and then Geordie, outside the Haa of Bardister.  

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