
By DramaQueen


Today was a good day I think!.

It started with the arrival of this Swarovski necklace. Being the magpie that I am, it’s super sparkly, so I am really happy with it and the photo really doesn’t do it justice!

I’ve had my eye on it for a while, but have been waiting to bag an ‘unwanted gift’ bargain on eBay rather than pay full price.
I had some money from Christmas too, so I’m the absence of being able to go proper shopping, this was well worth the wait.

As I mentioned previously, today was the day to start my badgering mission.
I decided to start with a call to my frame nurse, as I thought she may be better placed than a secretary, with her being in the room most of the day with the consultant.
Although I didn’t get to speak to the lady that I have dealt with previously, I spoke to her colleague and she was very sympathetic to my tearful venting.
She told me there was nothing on my notes about the telephone conversation I got on Friday, so she couldn’t elaborate further, but she said it was apparent I needed a face to face appointment and soon!
I was reassured that she would escalate the issue to my consultant and either she (or he) would get back to me to let me know what was what.

I didn’t hear back from her.
Instead, I got a text message with an appointment in 10 days to see an orthopaedic surgeon in LIVERPOOL!

To give her the benefit of the doubt, I’m hoping she will call tomorrow to explain why I’m being sent elsewhere; I’d assume it’s because they can see me more quickly/often, but it would be nice to know for sure.
I’m guessing this appointment will be an assessment for us to go through everything so far; fingers crossed I don’t have another long wait for actual treatment after that.

I’m hoping beyond hope that this means we can start making some headway towards getting this cage off.

In truth, I was originally meant to go to Liverpool for my surgery, as they were deemed to be the best for the procedure. Sadly, they just couldn’t fit me in at the time, hence the decision to send me to Salford instead.

I’ve googled my new consultant it has to be done; he appears to be eminent in his field and has written lots of clinical research papers on orthopaedics and traumatic fractures.
Interestingly, an excerpt that I saw on one paper said that anti inflammatory drugs (such as ibuprofen) can delay healing; this I knew. What I didn’t know, was that opioids can also do the same!
I was taking morphine (only for the first month) and have had cocodamol as and when needed since I came home from hospital, so they’re off the menu now for sure! :-0

DQ x

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