Between fen and mountains

By Tickytocky


I don't think there is any chance of this statue being pulled down. At first, I wondered if it represented a classical deity but I rather think now that it is just a representation of a shepherd boy. It looks rather fine in the centre of the village of Corneilla. 
It was a busy morning. As well as the usual market and supermarket shopping I called in at the dentist for the prescription I need before next week's implant. I came away from the chemist with a carrier bag full of antibiotics, anti inflammation pills, paracetamol, mouth wash, mouth gel, a super soft toothbrush and a special washing foam to use pre-procedure. It seems a bit over the top. No wonder the French health service costs so much! I also delivered the papers I have been working on to the sub prefecture, had a new battery fitted and made some enquiries at the insurance office. After coffee, I went down to the church to help sort out the lending library, cull some tatty books and put some new one on the shelves. An electrician who has installed heating solutions in two local towns came to discuss options with us, essentially an electrically heated carpet under the pews or heaters in the backs of pews. We have already discounted radiant wall heaters which would not be allowed in a registered historic building. In the afternoon I sent out some emails to the interested parties with whom we have to liaise including the renewable energy people who are suggesting a wood chip boiler solution. After all that head work, I felt the need for a break outside so dug a stubborn tree root out of the garden.

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