My Best Efforts - Year 3


Still Confined .......... the house, unfortunately, after my fall late on Saturday evening - which is a shame because the sun is shining! (Very many thanks to everyone for their good wishes:-)) - slightly less painful than yesterday.I think!) Anyway, I have this rather colourful primula in a pot on the kitchen windowsill - gave it a little spray as people seem to like flowers with waterdrops on them! - and here she is.

As daughter Anni remarked., she can't go away without me getting into some sort of trouble - to be fair, that isn't strictly true - but you know what daughters are (or perhaps you don't!!). I don't even drink so I can't blame that either.
Probably just getting older !!!!

Weather fairly bright and quite sunny - temperature lower than yesterday at 3 deg. C.

Click on lower case "L" to enlarge

Have a tumble free day!

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