Izzy, coffee, canals

One of my daughters, Izzy, usually works abroad in places that require hostage training and someone called the 'snake man', whom you call if there's a snake in your room. I really try not to think about it.

But at the moment she's living in Manchester and will be for another couple of months. And since I'm down here each week for college, we usually conspire to meet on a Thursday for coffee.

Despite being over here, she works on a day based over there, so her lunchtime is a little before ours but that's OK; I can take an early lunch. I walk over to Castlefield where we meet at Mancoco, pick up a coffee and then wander round the locks.

This area is the end of the world's first industrial canal, the Bridgewater Canal, so there is a wealth of watery byways around here to wander about while enjoying one's Americano. (I really recommend Mancoco, btw.)

Today we walked out as far as Pomona before it was time to turn back, but we had a lovely walk. I doubt this aspect of lockdown life will persist and it's one of the few things I'll miss; going for walks with friends and loved ones.

The only downside is that I'm already missing Izzy when she goes away again.

Reading: 'Jews Don't Count' by David Baddiel

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