A burst of purple

The conversation started :
“Happy Mother’s Day Mum”
To which the obvious reply was :
“Oh. is it ?”

Her 101st birthday - which is imminent- is going to come as a surprise as well I think. At her age, these things don’t seem to matter much.

A big week coming up for them, the installation of a stairlift. The carers have been concerned about Dad’s increasing frailty, so it cannot happen too soon. It is amazing that a 100 and a 94 year old are still living together in the house they’ve lived in for 43 years and climbing the stairs to bed each evening.

I haven’t seen my parents since February 2020, and am not sure when I will see them again. They have had their first jabs, as have we, and by June we’ll have had our second jabs, so that might be a possibility. They do have a lot of people coming into the house however - carer’s, helpers, and tradespeople. What I do not want to do is put J at risk, and whilst the vaccine will help it’s also clear that for those with suppressed immune systems a significant risk remains, so continued shielding measures are going to be necessary. It’s a conundrum that we’ll have to work through over coming weeks and months.

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