Da Grice is Back

It was pouring down this morning, but cleared into a better day, with sunshine.  More rain tonight, with the winds picking up again.

I've been working in the museum all day, and we've had a good few visitors in.  Met up with mam for lunch at the Olive Tree.  Walkies with Sammy, and then dashed down for my shift in the shop.  More walkies, if the rain stops, otherwise, feet up.

This is our reconstruction of a croft house but-end, the living room.  Some of the artefacts were taken away a few months ago, for cleaning, and general repairs.  Most have come back today, including our grice.  The grice was a native pig to Shetland, almost like a boar.  A fierce animal, that would damage croft buildings, kill lambs, and hurt humans.  My great grand uncle once got bitten by one, so he instantly killed it.  It became extinct about 1900AD, and no pictures known of it, so this model was made from archive records and accounts of it.  There was a grice head dug up in Sandwick last year, still waiting to hear if it's been confirmed.  Taken at the Croft House, Shetland Museum, Hay's Dock, Lerwick. 

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