Quiet & noisy

I met an old friend I haven’t seen for a year and we walked a few laps of a local park. It was so so quiet but it was very wet and by the time I got home, I was pretty freezing.

This evening, we gathered the big kids on Zoom and showed them a video we’ve had digitalised. NoaNoa was a baby in most of the footage. MightyMouse hadn’t been born yet but he watched and laughed at the others. It’s no surprise that he felt very left out though.

The older 4 were so funny. Lots of dressing up and sibling banter, the odd song, a few Christmases, and quite a ridiculous amount of noise. DougsJB asked at one point, what they neighbours must have thought. Considering he was one of the loudest, I think that thought has come to his mind a little late. :-)

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