Maya's Quarantine Selfie

Maya's selfie has inspired me to see if I can get pictures of the other grands. As we hit the 'quarantine wall' I wonder how it is for the kids who are missing graduations, first days of high school or middle school (Owen), soccer practice , friends, taking finals, seeing friends, and hanging out together. Tim told me that Owen, who lives in the Bay Area and his cousin Ethan, who lives in Vermont, have been playing ping pong together via Oculus. Now that would be a challenge! 

The older grands have challenges of a different kind. Will began his first job, not in an office or even a cubicle but from his bedroom. He plans to move out as soon as he is able to find a place to live, but that is a process that is both hindered and complicated by the fact that Sonoma County is still in the most restrictive tier (purple) where it has been since the governor created/announced the colored tier system in August. 

Peter is home from Santa Barbara for spring break although it wouldn't matter if school was still in session since none of the University of California campuses have ended remote learning. He could be studying from Antarctica! Living in a house with nine housemates hardly seems like quarantine, and his roommate tested positive for Covid, but Peter tested negative and the roommate doesn't seem to have suffered many symptoms. Apparently they did keep to themselves in one part of the house.

Both granddaughters are in their own type of quarantine at their colleges on the East coast. Once they are back on campus, they cannot leave until the end of term. They are nice campuses to be stuck on but still...not exactly the college experience they signed up for. Claire's boyfriend is in nearby New York City but she can't leave campus and he can't visit her. Julia benefits to some degree since she can still read lips via Zoom, something she found difficult with masks. 

Getting a vaccine offers a ray of hope to us old folks, but it is still fraught with anxiety and uncertainty as to whether a)one can get an appointment for a vaccination as more and more people are made eligible even though b)there is a limited supply of vaccine and appointments already made are being canceled. I have cleared the final hurdle, John has two weeks to go before he can get his second shot and join the ranks of the 'fully vaccinated'.

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