Mini Blip Meet

We've been very busy today doing a variety of stuff but we managed to fit a 'mini Blip meet' into our very busy schedule. We love 'Blip meets'. Blippers are such nice people.

We met ValC, DruJane, JennyG, CurlyCarrie & SSearle at the 'Cabin Cafe in Perranuthnoe'. What a lovely place. Ann says we might have to go back there for a big breakfast because the food looked yummy.

Before we went Ann gave me a little pep talk on how I should behave. I've never met SSearle or ValC so I had to be on my bestest behaviour. I was very good in the cafe. I just lay down under the table and everyone was commenting on how well behaved I was.

Then we went to the beach. Well, unfortunately Ann forgot to give me a pep talk about my beach behaviour. So I was naughty! I spotted a spaniel playing with a ball so I stole it. I ran around for ages with it and I didn't give it back until Val captured me. Then I had to go back on my lead! It was Ann's fault really because she'd left my purple bouncy ball in the car.

Anyway we had a lovely morning. So much so, that we're going to do something that we very rarely do in 'Blipland' ........................... And that's subscribe to our new friends. Even though we have 574 subscribers we are only subscribed to a few people that we know. That's because we tend to do more in 'real life' than we do on the computer and haven't got the time to look at loads of blips every day.

Everyone uses Blip differently. We use it to record 'stuff' that is happening in our life and we love looking back on what we were doing a year ago.

Sooooooooooo 'new best friends' ......................... It would be great to meet up with you all again. And Val - I think 'coffee at the Cabin Cafe' has definitely got to become a 'tradition' every time you're in Cornwall??!!

Lovely morning. Thanks ladies. Xx

PS - Please click on the links above to see 'fabulous photos' of our Blip Meet. Ann uses BLIP as a journal and knows she's not a brilliant photographer. Her 'new best friends' have taken some fantastic photos so please take a look.

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