Return to the North

By Viking

International Women’s Day

Today it is International Women’s Day and what a day it has been! I should have been going back to school but the sciatica meant no sleep which meant no work! Chiropractor on Thursday!
So this morning I sat and watched the News. BBC reasonably sedate, detailed response to the M&H revelations. Just because I needed cheering up I turned over to ITV- well my giddy aunt Piers Morgan was on a proper old rant. I was totally and utterly appalled. He had 4 people on Zoom and as soon as one of them spoke he started shouting back at them and not politely either! I loved that a black feminist gave as much as she got. I don’t think I’ve ever been as shocked by a news programme.
So on a day I didn’t set foot outside the house I have done a composite of some of the strongest women I know. This group of 55 year olds have experienced a Yhaemoragic stroke , widowhood, cancer, divorce and a debilitating disease - after 38 years we are still all friends (and had a Zoom on Saturday)

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