
By brambleblossom

More labour in order to bring some order to our small piece of land . The rubbish has gone to the tip, mainly into the recycling skips . The berries and herbs have been planted , though that might have been the day before ,I’m losing track . I’ve planted out a few summer bulbs too and then covered the new raised bed so that the local cat doesn’t think it’s a super new toilet just for him . I say him because he leaves the scent of a Tomcat behind him .
I had a call with my dad and read the third Screwtape letter , he dozes through it whilst I find every sentence a challenge . It’s making me reconsider some of my opinions .
This evening one of my nieces is in labour , so a new little person is making their way into this world of ours . We have another addition due next month , hopefully we will be able to organise a big family picnic in June by which time the new babies will be older babies .

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