
By momcat1

Junior is back

And I think Kimb was correct, seeing the back of this and catching it in flight : this looks like a red shouldered hawk. The only ones I have seen previously were at my sister's in Texas. Those were adults and the red shoulders were really prominent. In my defense we do have broad wings, Coopers and redtail hawks around the immediate area , but never seen a red shouldered anywhere. in this region. Wow how cool is this! And the broad wing and red shoulder juveniles can be pretty similar ,especially from a frontal view. Seen the occasional sharp shin ( this year have had one  of those harassing my feeders) and in the fields up by Whitney Point Dam and in the Finger Lakes we've seen  Northern Harriers ( love watching those). This is up there with the rough legged hawk we saw at Montezuma once. 
I guess I have to keep working on the birding skills!

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