Here we go again – Day 61

Another beautiful day. My human always feels loads happier when the sun shines. This morning we trekked around for a couple of hours but because we were pounding the city streets I had to stay on my lead. Boohoo................. Here I am at Stockbridge looking longingly at the Waters of Leith riverside walk. That's a lovely place to walk but unfortunately Ann said we were going other places today.

This afternoon we went to Braidburn Valley Park so that I could have some run about time. We met Ann's friend Fiona. When Fiona saw me approaching she shouted to me so I went zooming up to her and attempted to 'jump up'. Fiona never talks to me until I have all my paws on the floor. Ann wishes everyone would ignore me until all my paws are on the floor. It was extremely busy in the park today and I was in a really bouncy mood.

It drives Ann mad when people encourage me to 'jump up'. I'm almost 2 years 4 months old now. I'm not a weeny, teeny little puppy any more. However, its very confusing for me when some people don't mind me 'jumping up' and even reinforce my bad behaviour by feeding me treats and others get angry with me. Ann says the problem would be solved if I just kept all my paws on the ground at all times. She says the people who like me would still make a fuss of me. And the people who don't like me would think that I was a very well behaved little collie pup. Sometimes it's really confusing being a dog.

…................Oh well, ho hum, in the big scheme of things.................... if that's all Ann's got to worry about, then life can't be too bad.

PS – Just for our own records of life in lock down........................ Ann's  two younger sisters (who live in England) have told her today that 56-60 year olds can go onto the NHS website and book themselves a vaccine. Grrrrrrrr................. why cannot we not do that in Scotland? Ann is soon going to be 62 and about a week ago she decided to phone her doctors surgery to ask when she'd be getting her vaccine. She went onto their website to find the phone number, only to be greeted by a message that said, 'unless you're in categories 1-5 don't bother contacting us' or words to that effect. Ann is in category 7!!! #seriouslynothappy

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