
By ayearinthelife

Brass In Pocket

Having got my bass back after it had been modified, I wanted to dig deeper as to why the brass nut I had bought from the USA had not been fitted.
The chap who was doing the work phoned late last year and said it was the wrong size. Furthermore, in removing the original nut that had been damaged as well, so a complete replacement was required. Seeing as we were back in lockdown again at that point, I decided not to bother pursuing another brass one and asked him just to fit a replacement of better quality than the cheap plastic original fitment.
Now I have everything back, I can clearly see that the brass one was way too short! And though it’s not clear from the photo, even with the supplied shim, it wouldn’t have been tall enough either!
So I’m now the proud owner of two useless bits of brass that cost $23. I’ve checked on eBay again and it’s still being sold as suitable for my bass. But I also found one that would have fitted perfectly for a mere £8 in the U.K.
Moral of the story is obviously to do more research before ordering things from America. Including measuring the actual guitar to check the measurement quoted in the listing agrees with the width of the neck! And when said part does arrive, check if it actually will fit before handing it over to your long suffering luthier.
Ah well, lesson learnt. Still got a couple of parts to attach to the bass to finish it off. But I do know they will fit because I’ve used them before on similar guitars!
Expect a blip of the completed instrument in due course....

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