Thank you for all your kind comments and good wishes for Merlin. The vet called first thing this morning and it is good news about his liver - it continues to improve and although it is not functioning quite in a normal range yet, it is heading in the right direction. He will have another blood test in 3 months and continues on his tablets until then. His poorly tummy also seems a bit better today so he has had a little meal of chicken and rice which cheered him up no end.

Rather a dull, damp day which feels more chilly than it is, so I have just had a short excursion to the allotment. No one else was there so I took the opportunity to have a wander around and get some inspiration from other people’s plots. So interesting to see how each plot takes on its own character.

On my way home I saw this seed head of ivy and thought it so colourful as it shone in the damp light.

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