Let me introduce you to Marfona
She's currently chitting with her friends in a repurposed English Apple box. The ambience of the spare bedroom obviously suits them.
I'm only growing one variety this year. Salad potatoes are so well priced in the supermarkets that it's not worth me growing them. They take up a lot of space for a quite a long time too. I've been trying to get my head around 4 year crop rotation today ... I've got all those bags of manure to jizz up the allotment BUT not all crops like freshly manured ground so planning is important.
I nipped up to the plot this morning, it was a tad chilly so I did'nt hang about. I topped up the compost bin, emptied the other garden cuttings up in the middle of the hedge.
Back home .. this afternoon I've been staying warm in the greenhouse. I've popped seeds in . Broad bean, peas, sweet peas, sweetcorn, & Rainbow chard ... Used my repurposed yogurt pot strips for labeling. They work perfectly. Fingers crossed I've made all the trays mouse proof. I really don't want to put traps down.
Thanks to cathy1947 for hosting Tiny Tuesday
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