
If I had to squat like that even for just 30 seconds, I don't think I would be able to stand up again.
This gentleman did choose a nice location though.

Corona Virus Update
Bahrain recorded 617 new cases, 5 fatalities and 617 recoveries today
Individuals vaccinated = 301,103
122,394 cases have been recorded in the sandpit.
Bahrain has  6,692active cases,  108 are receiving treatment,  62 critical  cases.   452 deaths recorded.   115,895 recoveries.  Total tests done is  3,107,719

Additional 300,000 doses of vaccines to be administered this month

Up to six cases of a highly transmissible variant of coronavirus first identified in the Brazilian city of Manaus have been detected in Britain for the first time
Vaccines for over-40s in UK to begin this month

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