It started off dull and quite cold this morning.  But in the afternoon it is now bright sunshine, very pleasant.

I visited a friend who has a birthday today.  There are rare occasions in this lockdown to visit friends, so we enjoyed getting together today.  There are so many things you forget to say on the telephone, it is so much nicer to chat face to face.  

The HG is enjoying starting things up in the garden now, he has been moved all his begonia tubers out now, although he still has to pot them up.  

The news on the pandemic seems to be all good just now, I really hope that things are starting to move in the right direction.  A friend who is in her fifties has been invited for a vaccine this week, so they are getting through the age groups.  However, we still have to be careful, and remember distancing and masking.

I have taken no photographs today, so I have uploaded a photo from yesterday of the Boathouse at Rouken Glen.  It is a photograph I have taken many times, but never get tired of.


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