Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Gobstoppers ...

... from an empty packet left on a bench in the town square. I can’t abide littering (sign of not being brought up properly my mum would have said) but even less do I understand the concept of food whose main purpose is to cause mandibular malfunction. The only saving grace is that they were at least colourful.

We had a very productive day. TSM went for an early morning bike ride whilst I cleaned the kitchen; she came home frozen to the marrow and her hands were still cold an hour later. Then we changed the sheets and did a proper job on our bedroom, Pledge out ‘n’all. Hoovered, polished and tidied. I love a clean bedroom. Mind you we had to really - our cleaner is returning next Thursday, back after ten weeks furlough, and I don’t want her coming in to a dirty house. That would be too embarrassing.

We made a brief foray into town on a cold but sunny day. Then I cooked a vegan roast dinner (see extras) which had the punters full of praise. My roast potatoes may have been the finest ever, and my home made "chicken" and mushroom pie was mouth watering.

Good day ...

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