
Today's the day ………………………. for seeds of friendship

 It all started a week or so ago, when my friend Jane posted a blip of some mistletoe seeds that she had planted on her apple trees.

Planting mistletoe is a labour of love.  You have to be prepared to be patient because there's quite a bit of luck involved.  You need male plants and female plants to germinate and it can all take a very long time before you get to the stage when you can kiss under it.  But I thought it all sounded very exciting and I said so.  She, in turn asked if I would like to try some seeds - to which I said, 'yes please'.

And they arrived today in the post, looking wonderfully fresh and ready for action.  Jane had got them from other friends -  Mr and Mrs Knottman2 - who are dab hands at the mistletoe game and have an established crop.  I went out this afternoon and smeared the berries in what I hope are suitable places on our apple trees.  All we have to do now is wait and see if the magic happens.

Thank you so much Jane (and Mr and Mrs K) for taking the trouble to let me have them.  What very good friends you are …………………!

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