A plant and Tux

There is a war of attrition between me and Dan, although it's not much of a war as he is oblivious to it and it's always me who surrenders. It is largely about tidiness. 

What's notable about this is that I am not a particularly tidy person and yet Dan effortlessly wins our (non) skirmishes by employing the simple tactic of not turning up.

This morning, then, I tidied the music room while he was still asleep and whilst doing so, I found a bag of presents that people had given Milly for Christmas, which she'd left at the house. One of the items was this plant, which, despite two months in the dark, was only looking a little anaemic.

I gave it a good drink of water and put it in the window.

You can see the other inhabitant of my bedroom in today's Extra. I found him later on in the day, having tidied away the laptop bag that he has been using as a bed in the music room.

Reading: 'A Treachery Of Spies' by Manda Scott

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