Beat the (one-way) system!

It would take a post that was both lengthy and unfortunately dull to detail my loathing of Kendal's one way system, not least the part where it doubles back on itself along by the river. It would appear that the change was made to the prior (and acceptable) system to facilitate a pedestrian precinct, whose perceived advantages are significantly diminished by the fact that it is used by buses, taxis, and delivery drivers. 

For a long time I thought that there was another phase to the town centre redevelopment to be delivered, one that would make better sense of the changes thus far and also reduce the hazardous nature of the poorly named pedestrian zone, and, indeed, I feel slightly awkward as I write this now recalling the many occasions that my long-suffering colleague, Steve, sat through these speculations until, after a few years, I gave up on the hope of any resolution to the situation (just as his own hopes that I would stop crapping on about it were thus realised).

So, having been to the dentists', this morning, to have some stitches removed, I exited the Peppercorn Lane car park and headed up Gillinggate to exit the town rather than following the cursèd one-way system. I will just pause here to mention that the removal of the stitches was significantly more unpleasant than expected; I had misguidedly anticipated just a gentle tug and that was not to be the case.

Anyway, back to Gillinggate and thence out along Brigsteer Road to Helsington and down to cross the A591 and take Hawes Lane to Natland before finally driving back to the office. I should image this is at least three times as far as going around the one-way system and yet it still feels like one-nil to me :-)

-9.6 kgs
Reading: 'The Sound Of Tomorrow' by Mark Brend

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