The Pink House (second attempt)

Ugh! I typed an entire write up for my blip tonight and hit the review button. Then I remembered I had a link to attach and hit the back arrow...bad, bad idea. I lost my write up :-(((
So, this is technically my second attempt at uploading tonight. I had to go see a movie in between because I was so flipping mad that I lost my write up. I know, I was overreacting. It was just one of those days. I overreacted to just about everything!
Anyway, I had passed this house a million times and thought it would make a good blip and today I drove over to the house and pulled along side the curb opposite the house so I could get a better shot with my camera. While I was pulled over the neighbors across from this house came home and passed me as they pulled into their driveway looking at me like I was up to something. Well I supposed in all fairness it probably didn't look good that I'm sitting in a parked car on the wrong side of the road with my camera in my hands.
I got out of the car and stepped back to get a little more of the house into the frame of the lens and I noticed the neighbors were not getting out of their car. They were watching me! I felt like a criminal. I took two quick shots and got back in my car. As I pulled away I noticed the neighbors getting out of their car to go into their house as now they probably didn't feel like I was some crazy person stalking the neighborhood.
Can you imagine if they had called the police saying there was a suspicious looking car sitting outside their house...then the police would come and I would have to explain "Honestly officer I'm just Blipping and don't mean to cause any trouble"...jeez, in my own town too!
We still have no sunshine and I was tempted to mess around with photoshop and put a blue sky in the picture but then decided against it. I think the pink was quite colorful enough. If I hadn't been so intimidated by the neighbors I would have backed up a little more and could have gotten the matching detached garage in the photo.
A saw Side Effects at the movies with Jude Law. It was quite good.

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