Country File

By marypot


Another week gone by. I sent off my return to work letters today so now it's official: I'm back in early May. Not quite sunk in yet. Still I have a couple of months yet which will be full of busy and in which I need to wean my little girl. I was quite ready to do that with the first two but this time I'm not as she clearly prefers me to a bottle. Odd really, as I almost gave up feeding after a couple of weeks it was so hard this time and I said I'd not do it for as long. Well the second part of that is true but only because necessity means I need to return to work earlier this time around. I'm gutted. I wanted to have longer but times are hard and we have a mortgage to pay nowadays.
Anyhoooo ... This picture was taken on a walk before I went to baby and toddler group this morning. This afternoon was spent lazing with Ophelia whilst Arwen slept and then it was the dreaded trip to Hexham baths for Grace's swimming lesson. Ophi finds it so hard to occupy herself for that half hour and getting ready to go home again usually ends up fraught as Gracie is such a lackadaisical creature sometimes! This time we needed to rush, as when we got home Hubby was ready to set off for a weekend away visiting friends and family.
Strange without him around. We ended up having a later night than usual. Grace was still awake when I came upstairs at ten pm. Be a shock to her in the morning when we have to get up early for her ballet lesson. Somehow got to get them all up and out the house to catch the eight am bus. cue hysterical laughter
60/365 completed!

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