Better condition

A bit of a faff last night with hubs oxygen....the nasal prongs werent fitting properly on the replacement set, as his other one developed a leak! We got it sorted, just not sitting right...... Ive ordered two new ones.

We were awake early......hub took his oxygen off, i turned the unit off and we turned over & went back to sleep until 8.30 :-) He slept well without it too, so thats another positive.

Up and downstairs by 10...... breakfast downstairs today :-) Various chores done this morning....hub cleaned the car, wore him out, but he did it. I took some curtains to be dry cleaned, called at Tesco for something for lunch.....walked home the longer route. Lunch was a sandwich & crisps for hub, I had prawn pasta salad & a couple of cold coffees :-)

The afternoon was taken up with various bits and bobs, pottering, jigsaw, I freegled our window blinds as they are too good to scrap. Taken within half an hour, someone calling to collect them tomorrow!

Dinner tonight was liver & bacon, with cabbage, mashed potato and onion gravy. Hub enjoyed it all, no salty tastes either :-)

Another faff with those tulips, this one in slightly better condition than yesterdays.
Love the irisdesent look of those petals.

My walking challenge is going great guns, have had to increase my target again today. You can click here if you'd like :-)

Hope you are all keeping well and safe....we are getti g there slowly but surely :-)

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