
By 58jc

Furlough day

I had a list with tasks such as:

Bird seed

Mundane tasks to fill the day. Long walk (20,000 steps) chatting on the phone and listening to podcasts. Home for breakfast and then some ironing in front of the tv rewatching what I slept through last night. Skandi drama with subtitles which is interesting ( if not a bit gruesome), but if I doze I miss the story. I topped up the bird seed and spent time gazing out of the window and realised there really is a ‘pecking order’ and the Magpie and pheasant are higher up than the Jay or smaller birds.

The afternoon was spent in my sewing room making fabric baskets - no photo of the basket as it was prototype but the picture is of the instructions ( unhelpfully in metric while my ruler is in inches!).

Another day done and another day closer to restrictions lifting ( please!). I listened to a great interview with Charles Walker who talked a great deal of sense. It’s time Bojo listens to his back benchers and not his power crazed cabinet members!!!!

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