
My Dear Princess, Loulou and Fellows,

It is getting to around the time of year when cicadas are singing in the background, all day long, as soon as the sun is up.

Truth be told, they have been quieter this year, as the Summer has been a bit colder and wetter than usual. In previous Summers - especially the oppressive Summer of 2018 - they sound almost like everyone's lawn sprinklers all going off at once. 

This year's sound is thinner, but more precise. Like you could pick out the culprits in your garden, if you had a close look.

But this one chose to come inside. I'd never have known if Jasper weren't HOWLING at it. 


I assumed he just wanted biscuits. That is usually what such fuss is about. But when I went to look he was staring at the carpet and patting this strange thing. He just wanted to know what it was.

I didn't know either.

Caro rescued it and put it outside before he ate it. 

Jasper is now lying on the couch. He and I both learned something today. And the cicada is singing happily out there somewhere. I suppose he learned something too.


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