CMC's Visit to Grindalay

Another thrill-seeking day.  The kind of day to put bricks in the windsock.  Coincidentally the postie delivered me a pack of socks today from my Edinburgh supplier.  Much appreciated because only yesterday CMC was pondering (aloud as ever) how quickly I go through socks.  As a consequence the Creel HQ Haberdashery Dept has been stood down.
As I write CMC has just poured me a drop of BenRiach cask strength and is making me a chocolate cake.  This all makes sense as it is a Tuesday.
The clapshot season continues – unabated.  However there is no further news of Phyllida and the triplets.

Today’s question comes from Mr. Angus of Meikleour who asks ‘Is Tutties open?  I’m planning a trip to Gayfield with my cousin Gavin?’

Peter Frankopan is 49

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