Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair


Well maybe not quite, but these dwarf iris in the planter outside our front door are definitely a sign that it's not far away. They are in my late sister's planter along with some pinks which have been in flower all winter and my first purple crocus. The dwarf daffodils are in bud and the Elise dwarf tulips are showing too.
It's been much warmer today, positively balmy compared with last week. I walked to the post office and back, my first walk since my surgery on the 4th. 0.8 miles so I'm very happy with that. Put my leg up for an hour when I got back just to about over doing it.
I'm glad I've got a bit of energy back, yesterday for some reason I was absolutely wiped out and spent much of the day lying down, followed by a bath and an early night. It was only once I'd got the bath run that I realised that getting into it was going to be a challenge. I'd never realised until my op, just how many times I kneel to do things, not just now though. I managed eventually and it was lovely to have a long soak, I'm really not a shower person if I have a choice.
I went into the garden briefly this afternoon too, to top up the bird feeders and remove a couple of weeds which were taunting me. Hopefully the rest will die of fright and save me having to remove them!
I've made pancake batter all ready for this evening as it's Shrove Tuesday. We normally have a wonderful pancake supper at church, not this year nor last, though. Pancake tossing went well too, see extra!
We have bridge this evening so we're looking forward to that. Keep well and safe everybody.

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