left behind...

...for the squirrels

and they were making the most of it - -

what is it, you ask? or did you figure it out right away... i confess to it taking me a moment - and i was there in person - boo! a left behind coconut - i had no clue squirrels had a hankering for the stuff - yet they were scrambling like mad to get their paws on the shell - eager to scoop out what they could - try as i might, i wasn't able to get more than just the 1 squirrel with it at a time - even though i counted close to 9 prancing around the tree...

guess it goes to show - beggars won't be choosers - if you're hungry, you'll eat - is that how that saying goes? with this particular one - he wasn't particularly willing to share either - he kept attempting to pick up the coconut in his mouth to carry it off somewhere safe - to no avail... we all do that, too, don't we - try to protect what we think belongs to us - so we don't have to share - i think sharing is a good thing, though - it's a great benefit to being human - contributes to making it...


happy day.....

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