Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

Frozen Pond

It was another bright but cold day with a beautiful sunrise. Walking in the woods with Xena this morning was so cold, but thankfully the ground is totally frozen so there is no slushy mud anywhere. All the ponds and puddles are also frozen, but I was surprised to see that Black Pond was also frozen as it is so large and so deep. You can see the coots standing on the ice in the background.

When we got home I made roasted cauliflower soup for lunch. Gavin went and bought some fresh sourdough to go with the soup and also brought home some beautiful flowers for Valentine's Day which was a nice surprise. We also received the delivery of the special dinner for Valentine's Day which is a seafood platter for all of us with all sorts of tasty seafood items - I will make a salad to go with it.

We have a family zoom chat planned for this evening with all our boys and their girlfriends as it has been a while since we all got together. 

I am really enjoying It's A Sin on Channel 4, Russel T Davies' drama about friends living in London at the start of the AIDS crisis. It is very well done and also upsetting to see how badly the AIDS sufferers were initially treated when so much ignorance surrounded the disease.

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