It's a baldy bald life!

By DrK

The Forth

I'm involved in a large study at work, funded by the Chief Scientist Office on the effect of COVID on loneliness with older people. The findings are suggesting that, unsurprisingly, many people are finding it very hard indeed. However, those who are managing better are people who are appreciating and taking meaning from the smaller things in life.

In my Blip this week, photos have been within a tiny radius of where I live. That's because the snow and ice makes venturing further afield for my daily exercise more challenging. Whilst some may tease me for being old, it must be so tough for older people living on their own. 

But in my little trips, I've just stood and looked out to sea. The sky has been beautiful this week and the air has felt fresh. I loved seeing the swans swimming in the Forth yesterday too. Today, it's a slow exposure as the sun is going down. Taking it was my time of calm.

Apart from that, it's been a busy day. I've had a few meetings with prospective students, time that's so important because it keeps our programme sustainable. More importantly, I just love meeting people and having the opportunity to learn about them. My goal was to have had a 1000 words written for a project I'm working on too....but read two 6000 word papers to inform on what I was going to write. Nothing was written as a result. But the day was still a success. 

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