By lizzie_birkett

Accidental Art Installation! (E)

A beautiful, bright blue and sunny but icy day.
We met a nice lady called Sue on our walk this morning and chatted for a quite a while. We'd never met before but this is quite typical for Yorkshire - you bump into someone new and next time you see each other you're friends. We got talking because Bella was all over her tail wagging and she said what a lovely dog.
She told us to head up the field to a fence that was full of icicles. That is my Blip and also the extras - icicles, globules and frozen grasses.
This wonderful accidental art installation was caused by a burst water pipe in a cattle trough. I took loads of photos and it was difficult choosing the ones for Blip.
We also met another couple with a little Westie and while Bella and she were sniffing each other and wagging tails we also had a wee chat. The lady said 'Oh, she's a friendly dog isn't she. Someone told us she was vicious'.
Our Bella? Vicious? :-0
We know who had said this. A couple with a little dog who's lady owner is very anxious and this makes her little dog - Ruby - anxious too. She and her husband always says hello and are friendly but you can see her tensing up on the dog lead and pulling Ruby back. That makes Bella think something is wrong so she barks and growls.
She has lots of doggie friends that she gets on well with.
It is often the dog owners that are the problem.

This afternoon we drove to Skipton for our vaccinations. It was really well organised and efficient and we didn't feel a thing!
Afterwards we popped into Tesco's and topped up on a few things - Vegan Magnums mainly! We had one each after tea to celebrate :-) I also bought a lovely bunch of tulips.

After such excitement I'm tired now so I'm going to knit while we watch Digging for Britain.

Thanks for all the comments, stars and hearts.
Hope you've all had a good day.
Goodnight :-)X

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