Cornices and fenceposts (Day 2089)

I should really have spent the day working on the big house re-furb down in Holm, but it is miles along single track roads and with snow lying on the main roads I don't fancy my chances of getting the van there and back in one piece. I like Ford Transit vans, but they are awful to drive in snow. The job can wait until the world thaws a bit.
After the morning woofer wander I accompanied  my beautiful wife across to the yard in Stromness to check up on the horses. The gauge in the truck indicated the outside temperature was down to -10°C, which is pretty much the lowest temperature I have seen here.
At the yard the water butts were all frozen, as was the whole of the water line in the shed. It is going to take a while for it all to thaw out. I headed down to the old yard where we have a stash of water containers, and surprisingly they were all full of water rather than ice. It was surprisingly warm in the sunshine and we turned the horses out without rugs on.
Home for a quick lunch then off to Wasdale with the woofers. Fabulously clear blue skies and lots of sunshine made for a lovely walk past snow sculpted by the east wind which disappeared overnight. HV decided it was T-shirt weather (extra). I was too warm in my jacket - a nice complaint to have for a change.

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