Tiny Tuesday ....

... Red.

It was another super cold day today so I didn't want to spend too much time on the deck getting my SquirrelsEtc picture ... but the squirrels didn't make that possible.  I went out several times looking for the squirrels but they were very much absent. 

The first time I went out I also took Barbie and one other prop that I experimented with for Tiny Tuesday.  I really liked my Barbie photos ... something I don't often say.  In keeping with Skeena's Mono Month Challenge I converted to mono.  But I also wanted to show the tiny red hearts on Barbie's dress ... and if you look close enough you can also see tiny little Cupid's!  And, of course, snowflakes!

Thanks to Pinkhairedlady for hosting Tiny Tuesday all this month!

In extras is a photograph of the Black-capped Chickadee that I took (and forgot to post!) yesterday.  I was standing at the railing when he/she flew right down next to me.  I was so surprised that I was able to pivot and get a couple of pictures before he/she grabbed a peanut and flew off!

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