Explore, Dream, Discover

By Snowcycle

Trees in Fairmilehead Park

It feels colder than yesterday, but the melting of the remaining patches of snow seems faster, and is now affecting the stubborn at the rear of the house. It must have rained overnight, walking through the park, there are deep pits in the mud and leaf mulch. The park is very empty, not many dog walkers and only a couple of kids in the play area. So a photo of the trees.

In the afternoon, down to Morningside to get extra groceries. Then, when we get home, to the local café to get a nice Saturday afternoon coffee. I spend some time editing photos, and then working out what I need to do to restore my big desktop. The OS disc has failed, so I have a new SSD disc to hold Windows. All the data is on a separate disc, so I haven't lost anything.

There is an episode of Montalbano on in the evening, but I had watched it fairly recently. So I catch up with Trapped, with a Saturday night beer of course.

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