Paint Your Pretty Picture with a Smile...

Three days ago....wavy lines taking us back.... whooo whooowhoooo who

Me:  "I recently purchased these pens from you - they are hopeless. They are not worth the money I paid for them"

Two Days Ago:

Them "we apologise most profusely that our offering does not meet your exacting standards.  Please send us a photo of the poor quality of which you speak",

One Day Ago.  

Me: "Pft.  Acrylic pens for delicate painting on glass? ? The nib is wibbly wobbly I cannot demonstrate painting with it. You think I could paint on Glass delicately?  You are crazy mad people.  THis is an AWFUL Product". 

Them:  We will give you back £2 and allow you to keep the pens?  that is nice no? 


Me:  £2??? I'll take £10 back and throw the pens in the bin.  Your product is Rubbish, however your communication skills are excellent, but also rubbish. 

Himself, hears me ranting about a waste of money.  

Asks to see the pen.  Writes on paper with pen.  

"Can't understand what the problem is, It's a nice nib. bright colours". 


Looks at Pen.  Confused.  

Pen looks different to my pen.   

Looks closely. Nib is completely different.    

Confused More.  Watches as himself puts lid on pen. 


Crawls under the sofa in embarassment.  I had not removed the lid .I had unscrewed half of the pen.  I had revealed the inner workings of the pen. 


Me upstairs, to write groveling apology to seller, and tell them to keep their very generous refund. I am indeedy, a dog with no brain who has no ability to use a pen normally. 

Lays down in embarassment.

Himself : Shakes Head knowingly. 

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