
This is something of an emergency blip because I can't upload all the pictures I took when Tim and Joni and the kids came to pick up John's car. Tim is going to drive it for a month and see how he likes it and we're going to see how we manage with one car. Right now, because of Covid we barely drive either one of them, Tim has a new job with a long commute and John's hybrid is a perfect car for that. I took nome funny pictures of John and Tim looking under the hood and kicking the tires, but I can't seem to coax them out of the camera.

It was a beautiful warm springlike day today and we gathered in our upper arbor, for a masked, socially distanced catch up. The new growth on the burned orange tree is coming along and the tree is loaded with oranges. 

Dana came over with Blake to work on her 'waterless water feature', and joined us when she was finished, and Jim  stayed for awhile when he came to pick her up. Except for the masks, it was almost like the good old days. 

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