He Doesn’t Like the Super Bowl Either....

We had another lovely relaxed day which we spent enjoying the unseasonably warm weather. It may start reverting to normal tomorrow.

John planted his tomato seeds and put them on their heating pads under the lights in the garage while I played around with the sashing on my quilt.

When it warmed up enough I stood on the deck throwing the ball for Spike. I was busy directing him toward it when I realized the bird feeders right next to me were full of little birds...We are feeding the neighborhood’s birds and they must realize that we’re there for them...

The dogs were never into football, nor was I . Somehow somebody has convinced a gullible public that watching the commercials is even better than watching the game. Who knows how much money they spend making them, but the networks charge millions to air them.

I can think of better ways to spend the money....

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